D’You Know Juno: Jill Salmon

Name: Jill Salmon

Nickname: Jilly

Position @ Juno: Talent Analyst, Juno Talent Solutions

Favorite thing about the city you live in? I love having a big yard for my dog Daisy to run and play with other neighborhood dogs

Describe your dream vacation if money was no limit. I would lounge on the beach of the Amalfi Coast in Italy while drinking Chianti and eating prosciutto, figs and mozzarella!

If you could have an endless supply of food, what would it be? See above! Anything Italian! Plus sour cream and onion potato chips :)

Would you rather be an Olympic gold medalist or an astronaut? Why? I'd rather be an astronaut because it would a life changing experience to be able to float and see the Earth from afar!

Favorite movie of all time? The Breakfast Club - very relatable

Favorite family tradition? We make it a point to eat as family every night. It' a great way to stay close with my kids!

Where is the best cheesesteak in Philadelphia? I'm supposed to say Pat's but I gotta go with Dalessandro's!

If you could bring back any fashion trend, what would it be? Nothing - I look at pictures from the past and say what were we thinking??

What’s your go-to karaoke song? Cher, Believe

If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or into the future? I would go to the future, I can't wait to find out what happens!

Would you go with aliens if they beamed down to Earth? Umm, nope, no thanks, no way!

If you could live in one fictional universe, which one would you choose? I would choose a universe where only peace, love, and happiness existed!

What are you most excited for working at Juno? The supportive team culture is something I've experienced before!


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